Saturday, October 2, 2010

Just Say NO to Knitting Without Paying Attention!

Another day, another mistake on my Spring Pools Socks.


Yes, I did. I knit from the wrong skein! I blame the television, since I was watching it and knitting.

Also, I'm starting another project... a secret sock project, in this yarn.


All I can say is that I've been wanting to design these socks for a LONG time! They were originally meant for W, but look what I noticed when I read the label on the yarn.


100% Merino wool. That explains why this yarn is SO delicious feeling... but, that's not a W yarn. I love him to pieces, but I don't know if he's ready to take the step to 100%, non-washable, can't-just-throw-in-the-machine socks. He IS a guy, and it's not like I do his laundry all the time. Just some of the time. I'm not going to risk it.

So, maybe these socks will be me socks. Or, maybe I'll give them away to someone ;)

While I was sniffling over my stupid mistakes, I figured I would take some time to photograph Lotus.  While I was cleaning out her cage I snapped some photos of her.


Lotus always brightens my day. Or, at least, punishes me for being gloomy. I like to lie in bed and read while she rummages around the covers, playing cave explorer, I assume. Today she crawled up my pillow and attempted to eat my hair.


It's pretty hard to get good photos of Lotus, because she's happiest in the dark. I use my drafting lamp to give light, but direct it away from her so that she notices it less.


But I love looking at pictures of her :)

1 comment:

  1. Somuch beautiful yarn.... it looked amazing! Aww! Lotus is adorable, as ususal!


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