Saturday, September 4, 2010

Defcon 4 1/2

Image from here
So last night, I had this dream.  In it, I was standing at an empty table at the club fair (which is tomorrow).  People were walking by and ignoring me.  I felt pretty confused as to why they were walking by and not (at least) stopping to admire some of Hooks and Needles's fine samples (I have the Kitten Mittens, Baby hats from last year, samples from the Hooks and Needles's pattern book...)

Then, I turned around, and I noticed that I didn't in fact have any of the samples.

I had forgotten them.  The table was empty.  I didn't even have the nifty sign-up sheet that people sign up to the mailing list on.

Then, I reach for my knitting and find that I've forgotten that, too.

And a voice echoes in my head "The Club Fair is tomorrow... tomorrow... tomorrow..."

And then I woke up and realized that, in fact, I have forgotten all of my sample designs... D'OH.  This is what happens when you give away 80% of what you knit and put the other 20% in a box in a closet at your Dad's house.
Image from here

Thankfully Ash has most of the club stuff, and I didn't have to forget EVERYTHING. Anyway, I'm going to rush and try to make things look very nice while I work on them tomorrow.

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