Friday, August 27, 2010

Moving! Almost Done!

So, yesterday I checked in to my shiny new apartment at UC.  I really like it here, except for maybe the shelves being too high and the microwave being too high and some of the cupboards being too high, but I'm pretty used to that since I'm too short. 

The one minus is that I had to cut my stash down from the usual tub of yarn-y goodness...


To this.  One blue duffel bag which fits my needle box and yarn.

Granted, this will probably supply me with all the yarn for all the projects I want to do in my queue in the next 12 weeks... but STILL.  What if something comes up? My parents aren't going to overnight "that gray alpaca sock yarn" to me.  A birth certificate or passport, or some other essential... maybe. (Heck, probably not.  My parents are busy people! But I'd like to think...)

Other than lack of yarn-ness, I'm psyched for Honors Orientation tomorrow, since I'm an OM (Orientation Mentor).  Today was fancy meetings where we talked about leadership, which I missed half of due to drama.


Hopefully after this next week I can get a schedule in place that works for me and my housemates (none of which have moved in yet) but until classes start a week from Monday, I'm probably going to spend my free time relaxing, reading, and knittingunlessmyarmhurtsthenstopping.


The living room table is a good spot for my plants. Notice the mint? I feel like I just plucked a jar of leaves off two weeks ago... didn't I do that? They all grew back! So, I made fresh peppermint tea.


And it's delicious.

1 comment:

  1. Love your robot pals!
    Bummer bout the yarn, but it looks like you still have more than me. LOL I better get working on that.


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