Sunday, April 25, 2010

Like I NEED a New Hobby...

So, the past two days my mo has convinced me to make earrings to sell at Karen's Walk.  Really? This is addicting.  Once I figured out how to do it (which took about three hours of my life... grr to pliers!)  this whole earring thing is kind of fun.

I'm also thinking of opening an etsy account, and selling stuff.  I know I've brought this up before but, I would like to see if I can make any money from it! I mean, if I can work ten hours a week making earrings/change purses/bags/dresses, maybe I won't need to get a job come school time.  Just a thought.  It would be nice to get some income, especially now with my beading obsession.
My mom is SUCH a horrible influence.
But, conversely, aren't these too cute!? 
Would you buy them?


  1. A good friend of mine does things like this and they're wonderful! People pay good for this kind of stuff! Have fun!

  2. There seems to be a pretty big market for jewelry on etsy, and the designs you posted are really cute! Etsy might not be a bad idea if you are willing to put in the extra work for marketing and whatnot (but I suppose your blog could be marketing enough!).

    What price range are you thinking of?

  3. I was thinking about $10, not including tax, shipping, etc. I wanted to do 7.50 but the few people I asked said that was too low.

  4. I really like the leaf ones. I would probably pay $10 for them if shipping was reasonable. No reason they couldn't just go in a padded envelope.

  5. I think $10 is better than $7.50. You want to make sure that you are getting paid for your time.

    There is a lot of talk on Etsy about how pricing products too low tends to be detrimental to yourself and the other sellers because it makes everyone lower their prices in response and no one gets paid what they are worth.

    There are a lot of threads discussing pricing and whatnot on the community forums that can help you with the pricing decision. Also, it helps to snoop on the big jewelry sellers and see what they charge ^^

    Are you going to stick to earring or expand the line to other jewelry?

  6. Those are very nice earrings--the kind I'd expect to see selling on Etsy. $10 seems reasonable.

  7. I think I will end up pricing them at $10, especially since at Karen's Walk this weekend they're going to be going for $10 (five bucks for cardiomyopathy research... Five bucks for Hooks and Needles, mwahahaha!)

    My mom tried to get me into necklaces, but for some reason I can't do them. I think I'll stick with earrings, haha, it's harder to be bored!

  8. Selling at local events is always a good way to get yourself out there as n artist (and doing it for charity is way admirable!). As for selling online, I think it helps to do a little research before picking a venue.

    I was pretty set on going to Etsy, but after some research I am beginning to consider other options. There is a lot of information about issue people have been having with Etsy at But who's to say you only have to sell off of one site, right? I have read that people who sell enough to make sufficient pocket change and maybe pay the rent usually sell locally and on more than one online marketplace.

    Ooh, maybe you could do consignment too! Are there any cool little shops in your area that would peddle your wares? There is always the possibility to do farmers markets, which I have always thought was a cool and romantic idea ^^

  9. Thanks for the link SP, I can't beleive that I was about to jump into this without seeing the other side of the spectrum!

    I've actually been looking at consignments, since there is a small shop locally... The only problem is that she wants baby things, dolls don't sell well, and her jewelry counter is LOADED with earrings, glum. I'm going to whip up some stuff and show her, and if it "goes with the shop" it stays, with a 30% overhead. This is better than everywhere else I've been, where you "rent" space in the shop, with no garuntee anything will sell. No one does wholesale here if they don't need to!

    As for farmer's markets, I used to work at the one on Ithaca, NY, and our stand was next to a woman who sold crochet kits, afghans, and other cute things. She didn't get much sales, despite the fact that she was the only woman there selling warm goodies! Plus, the entry fee for these markets near me is really pricey, $100 is the LOWEST.

    I think I might start doing commissions or something, I guess we'll see how this whole Pokemon thing cones out. If I'm good at it, I might do a booth at RIT's amine convention.

  10. Definitely at least $10 at etsy. Depending on what kind of beads you are using esp.

    :) Good luck- they look great.


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