I'm sorry about not posting so much. I've been busy with the end of the quarter at school, and homework, and hedgehogs. I have been knitting, though, whenever my hands are free!

I made 5 baby hats in the past week as part of RIT Hooks and Needles. We're collecting them and going to Rochester General after the break, to give them to the neonatal unit! I'm so excited, because this community project has been so well received - a lot of members have learned how to decrease, and knit in the round, to help out with this. So far, we have about 20 hats, but I know I'm planning on beasting out a few more: they only take about an hour and a half to make!
I'm also working on two projects for the Hooks and Needles pattern book, Bella gloves for my friend from highschool, and Ashley's socks... STILL.
What's even harder is the fact that I have so many things that I want to make, but no time! And, spring break is coming up fast, and I meant to come home with knitting things for my family and friends... uh-oh!
How are you with knitting for others? Whenever anyone asks me, I always make sure to say "Just so you know, there's a waiting list!"