Monday, March 24, 2008

A Scarf Situation

Day 1, Tuesday: While killing time during class, I came across a new knitty. Sadly disappointing, but with one really amazing scarf. I suddenly remembered I needed something for my mother's birthday. Potted plant? She has no space. Cake? Too predictable. Vidi, scarf.

Day 2, Wednesday: The yarn hunt begins. I desperately scour my LYS for "Classic Elite Yarns Alpaca Sox" I look on the website and realize the nearest place to obtain this yarn is Ithaca- 45 minutes away. I despair. I try to beg my father to drive me to Ithaca. No avail. I beg my mother to drive me to Michael's. I get a yes.

But, here's the tricky part. How do I tell her that she can know nothing about the pattern, item, or yarn without arousing suspicion? I act sneaky. We buy 3 skeins of Vanna's Choice.

Day 3, Thursday: I stay home with a cold and knit. After 24 rows of 44 stitches, I frog it all down, deciding it's too much and I'll never finish. After 11 rows of 35 stitches, I come to the same conclusion. I finally cast on 26 stitches. Perfect.

By noon, I have about 4 inches. I despair some more.

Day 4, Friday: I am overjoyed because, by noon, I have knit about a foot. Everything comes extremely easily. I memorize the pattern, and I knit EVERYWHERE.

Day 7, Monday: I went to the cinema with Mehoto, knitting through the movie. I wonder if she is starting to question my sanity. The scarf is only 25 inches! And, I want to finish it by the 27th, so I can block it! On top of that, I think that it looks really, really ugly. Vanna's Choice was DEFINITELY not the right choice.

Knitting gods, help me now!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You'll think of something! I'm sure that whatever you make her, she'll love!
    PS. I love your blog!


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