Thursday, February 7, 2008

Happy Lent!

. . . I know, wishing someone "Happy Lent" is like wishing someone a "Happy Yom Kippur." For Lent, the sweetie and I have been fasting: Water, Healthy Foods, and no snacking between meals. I've already been tempted. One of the Primary School kiddos was selling candy; I bought some, but I gave it away. And it was salt potato day in the cafeteria! Horrors!

Anyway, you don't want to hear about that. You want to hear about knitting. Of course.

I'm a little disappointed because the new anticraft has only ONE knit pattern! Angst! Though, I supposed if I was that much concerned with it, I would have submitted something of my own. I can't seem to make anything "Anti" enough. Maybe a recent emrboidery project will make it in. . . *thinks* I always have trouble matching the themes though.

Now for a project update!
My scarf for the varn vomit KAL is currently halted. . . I don't know where my other skein is. I'll find it though! I have to clean out my room tomorrow.

Sweetie's Kimono is at a healthy two feet already. I'll be starting the intarsia pattern for the back soon! Exciting. Here's a picture.

And I'm also currently at work on another project. "Sweetheart Mittens." I made them myself!

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