Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Magic Snowfall Gloves

Well, hm, yes, I finished the gloves just in time to slip them in the coffin this morning, so I'm happy about that. Sadly, I don't have any pictures (I had left my camera at my Dad's house, spent the night at my Mom's. . . confusion ensued.)

My mom requested a pair, though, so I'm going to make those for her. When I do, I'll add a picture to this pattern. In the meantime, if anyone wants to help me out and knit up a pair, I'd be eternally grateful ;)

Note that these gloves are to be made in women's sizes. . . i.e, for those with small hands.

Magic Snowfall Gloves

Snowfall Pattern:
Row 1: *K2, P2, K4, P2, K2* Repeat.
Row 2: *K1, P4, K2, P4, K1* Repeat.
Row 3: *K2, P2, K4, P2, K2* Repeat.
Rows 4-5: K. Row 6: *P1, K4, P2, K4, P1* Repeat.
Row 7: *P2, K2, P4, K2, P2* Repeat.
Row 8: *P1, K4, P2, K4, P1* Repeat.
Rows 9-10: K.

Cloud Rim Pattern:
Row 1: K
Row 2: *P2, K5, P2.* Repeat across row.
Row 3: *P3, K3, P3.* Repeat across row.
Row 4: *P4, K1, P4.* Repeat!
Row 5: P

Thumb:Using a figure 8 CO, CO 12 sts onto the needles. Divide and join the stitches and K until two and a half inches long. To finish, cut the yarn and slip the active stitches onto the tail. Make two.

Glove: Using a figure 8 CO, CO 24. Join and divide stitches 6-6-12. K1 round. On the second round, Kfb the first and last stitches on each needle. Repeat this for two rounds, until there are 36 stitches on the needle.
Begin Snowfall Pattern. Work the pattern twice, then work rows 1-5 of the pattern.
Work Cloud Rim pattern.
P 1 row, dividing stitches evenly between two needles. 18 stitches should be on each needle.

Joining Thumb: Turn thumb inside out, then slip the stitches onto the needles, placing them at the opposite end of the needles (Basically, you won't be knitting these stitches immediately.) Also, try to have the thumb tail against the glove proper, instead of on the outside. P a round, dividing the stitches 12-12-24 being careful to pull stitches tight between the thumb and the glove. This division will be important in shaping the thumb gusset later; the round should be 12-12-24 needles, with the thumb stitches split between two needles.

Thumb Gusset: P 17, p2tog, P10, P2tog. P to end of round.
P17, P2tog, P8, P2tog. P to end of round.
P16, P2tog, P6, P2tog. P to end.
P16, P2tog, P4, P2tog. P to end.
P16, P2tog, P2, P2tog. P to end.
P16, P2tog, P2tog, P to end.
P16, P2tog, P to end.
You should now have 34 stitches.
P 1 more round, dividing the stitches. 10- 10- 14
P until your work is approximately 1 inch from where the thumb joins.

Wrist: Next row, P2 together at the beginning and end of each needle. You should have 28 stitches.
P2tog, P to the last two stitches of the second needle, P2tog. P2tog, P to the last two sts of the third needle, P2tog.
You should have 24 stitches.
Proceed in K1P2 ribbing until cuff has desired length, then bind off LOOSELY.

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