Sunday, June 14, 2009

A week in PA

So, the past few days I've been Wabu's house near Mt. Pisgah. I love their house for several reasons:

A. It's in the country between two parks, a state and county.
B. They recently remodeled their kitchen, and have a pantry stocked with things that have a high chance of being spoiled before they are used (which, aside from making me a little sad inside, means I have free reign as the items most likely won't be missed.)
C. Their couches are irresistably leather and comfy.
D. They have a small blue car that they don't mind us driving.
E. They sometimes give Wabu money.

So, we went to Corning to the glass museum. This October, Wabu will be 20 and unable to get in for free. Not that we couldn't lie... but, that wouldn't be honest! Anywho.

We also went ATVing on roads near the surrounding farms. We tried to get to the park, but the road was blocked by a tree! Boo.

I also made the most marvellous cupcakes in the history of history. I filled them with chocolate chips and made homemade vanilla icing. Yum!

Anyway, I'm back at home where the wireless is plentiful, and the yarn roams free.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

More ends to weave...

... and I don't have a yarn needle. I really don't know where mine went, but they all disappeared when I migrated from Rochester back to Elmira.

Anyway, I really like how these socks came out! I used some Knitpicks Kettle Dyed that my dearest Ashley bought me for Christmas. I saw some bad reveiws of the yarn and got worried, but they were all wrong! This yarn worked out swimmingly, and there was no dye lot problems at all.

Also, I'm making SABLES today... Mango sables. I just tasted the dough before letting it sit in the fridge, and it's SOOOO GOOD. I love mango things. With real mangos inside? Yes.

I'm squeefully proud. I'm also working on some hats with ear flaps for the sweetie and I to wear and be TWINS IN :B (... if he'll wear his...)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Of Cats and Rabbits

Sunday, my sweetie's mother and stepfather rescued a poor little bunny from their barn cats. She lived in a cage and refused to eat anything.

Monday I opened her cage up and she ventured out. She hopped around a little in their sunroom, and I picked some greens from the garden and fed it to her, and she ate three platefuls of dandelions, clover, and timothy (luckily, Warren's family grows Timothy in their fields and gives it to the neighbors.)
She was so cute! After it was obvious she was eating, we decided it would be ok to send her back... only to find that she couldn't use her front leg! Poor Little Rabbit!

Sadly, Little Rabbit died yesterday... Warren's stepfather found her dead. She probably went into shock, or died from her injuries. It's sad, because she seemed to be recovering...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

First Day of Summer!

Although summer doesn't start officially for a while, I'm back in my hometown with my family. My dad's house is kind of a wreck, but I think I'm going to clean it up in a while. It seems like everywhere I go gets clean... which is nice.

First, I went to Tanglewood to see Roxy. I took a little walk and found some nice lichens. I wanted to walk some more, but I realized how lonely it is walking alone- after taking walks with all my friends at RIT, being in the woods and being quiet is a little depressing.

I got some awesome pictures though! Check out this sweet foliose thallus, found on an oak (I think) by the teaching pond:
I also found some really nice cyphellae on a lichen just by the parking lot... I didn't put the picture in, though, because it didn't look very impressive small-size.

And, of course, some glamour shots of Roxxors! Isn't she a doll? I got her at a good time, she played around, I cut her nails, and gave her plenty of FerretVite. She was so happy :)

I also made some super sweet iced tea... it's a little weak, but it's very sweet and addictive! I used 5 bags of blueberry tea, 1/2 cup of sugar, and 2 quarts of boiling water. The tea seeped for 10 minutes, and the whole thing took about 2 hours to chill.

I'm having a picnic with my mom tomorrow, so I'll perfect the recipe :)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Where I Produce Some Movie Stars!

So, for my sweetheart's final film project for this quarter, he asked for some puppets! I made these birds in about two weeks, and he added the pipe cleaner faces and rigged them with armature wire.

I'm really proud of my work- perhaps I'll show his project up here when it's finished :)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Keeping you Updated

I always feel a little guilty when I do something cool and don't blog about it. So here you go. A nice picture for you.

Right now, I'm working on knitting puppets for my boyfriend, who is a first-year film and animation student at RIT. He's going to use them in a stop-motion short!

Here's the blue bird, where my work is finished. I knit the body, and he will stuff it with armature wire so that it stays put, add the face and legs, and essential make it look nice.

I'm pretty proud of the composition, though it was mostly ad-libbed. The head is a separate piece so that it's movable, held in place by the gray cuff.

Perhaps I can show off my work by posting the animation when he finishes!

Oh, by the way, have no noticed the poor quality cell phone pictures? My camera charger disappeared. I plan on buying a new one this weekend.
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