Sunday, July 24, 2016

I had an engagement party and no one died!

Adorably(?) bad kerning

I was very nervous about our engagement party. It helped to set a goal - when asked about my expectations, I just said "As long as no one dies, I'm happy." So when things when inevitably wrong (the CD that was playing party music skipped, high winds tore down handmade bunting, I forgot one of Dan's relative's names) I just told myself "no one is going to die" and was able to float through the party with something that was close to zen.

Of course, that probably didn't seem zen to some people. I was really hoping everyone had a good time, and so I tried to get the two families to mingle. Eventually I realized that I should have at least taken some photos, so the only photos I have are kind of grainy 8PM post party stuff.

Yes, these are the LEFTOVERS.

We had a great dessert table, with all sorts of sweets! Sadly only one cake was gluten free, and that ran out fast. At least I got some before it was gone, but at 9PM when the last few stragglers were eating cookies and milk I felt a little awkward munching on veggie tray leftovers.


I test drove my homemade bunting that I put together, and I learned two things. First, I need at least 10 times more bunting for the wedding. Second, wind and bunting don't mix. Wind and decorations don't really mix in general. Most stuff had to be brought inside, where my hard work went pretty much unnoticed - oh well. No one died.

My favorite detail of the party? This thing.

Yeah, the gift table is not really pinterest worthy, sue me.

It's a cloud peeing rainbows. We saw it at the party store and I bought it on a whim. I love it. We brought it home with us, and I spend the entire drive like this:


Overall, I had an awesome time and would do it again. Oh wait... I am, and it's going to be even bigger and I'm going to get married at it. 


Better just knit some more and not think about that.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

A Project Diversion


Sometimes you get pulled into knitting things for people. Usually I can resist, but I have a soft spot in my heart for the folks at my knitting circle. They are so nice, and mean so well... and well they're really persistent.

Here's how the conversation went:
Her: "Oh I'd like to knit my new great grand-daughter a baby blanket. Do you have a pattern for that?"
Me: "Sure! Here's a really easy one!"
Her: "Oh lovely! Here are the needles and yarn! Can you start it for me?"
Me: "Ok! It's a really easy pattern."

Next week
"Oh, this is so tough, my hands just aren't the way they were when I was younger. Can you show me again?"

Next week
"Hey, I noticed you haven't really worked on your baby blanket. Everything ok?"
"Oh, it's just your work looks so much better than mine! Can you work on it today?"

Next week
"Again? Listen, is it ok if I take this home and work on it?"

And now I have this pretty thing.  Made with Red Heart! Hopefully the new owner likes it.
